

About Us

Welcome To Troop 998

Troop 998 was founded in 1964 and has always been sponsored by the V.F.W. Ambrose D. Regalia Post #6298 Pleasanton. We have been proudly serving the youth in the Tri-Valley city of Pleasanton, CA for  60 years. We are a group of boys (70+), grades 6 through 12, leaders, and parents. We believe in the Scout Oath and obey the Scout Law. We develop responsible and capable youth through camping, adventure, learning, and most importantly, through fun and friendship.

Thanks for your interest/visit in/to Troop 998Troop 998 does its best to excel in all parts of the scouting program.  Troop 998 is fun, exciting, and challenging.  We have an outdoor adventure every month that usually includes camping overnight.  We do a variety of activities including winter sports, backpacking, cycling, hiking, and boating.  These outings often include other activities such as archery, shooting rifles, building bridges or towers, swimming, climbing, orienteering, cooking, and games.  Some of our outings are special events that may include rappelling into a cavern, or spending the night aboard a World War II submarine.

Troop 998 also does community service including Scouting for Food and helping the Veterans with their Memorial Day services. Each year Troop 998 helps some of our scouts complete service projects for their Star, Life, and Eagle ranks.  Troop 998 participates in most District and Council events such as WEBELOS Scout Roundup and Spring Camporee.  We are also active in the Order of the Arrow.  The Troop meets on Tuesday at Harvest Park Middle School from 7:00 to 8:30 pm.   The meetings usually include training for an upcoming outing or work on rank advancement.  Occasionally the scouts meet at another location such as a skating rink for what is called a “Fun Night”.  The Scouts can also earn money for their outings at various fundraisers (Pampered Chef, Scrapbooking, Wreaths for Holidays, and Popcorn Sales).

Summer camp is perhaps the most exciting activity of the year. In the summer of 2024, we went to Camp Royaneh during the week of June 20th. We will also went to Philmont in New Mexico July of 2022, and the Florida High Adventure Base - Sea Base in the summer of 2021.

Troop 998 is a boy-run troop.  The Senior Patrol Leader conducts the meetings and the Scouts are responsible for most of the meeting activities.  The Patrol Leader Council (PLC) meets monthly to plan the meetings and the outings.  All scouts have many opportunities for leadership and the senior scouts conduct a Troop Leader Training (TLT) twice a year.  Troop 998 has a long history of earning the Quality Unit Award/Journey to Excellence each year.

Everyone is encouraged, but not required, to participate in all the meetings and activities.  Many scouts have other activities that sometimes compete for their time with Scouting.  We also encourage rank advancement, but rank advancement is the responsibility of each Scout and we allow them to proceed at their own rate.  The full Scout uniform including the Troop 998 neckerchief and hat is required for every meeting and many activities.  Other times, most scouts wear the Troop 998 t-shirt, fleece jacket, and troop hat (We love our Troop 998 hats).

The Scoutmaster (SM) is Clayton Carroll. This is Clayton's fourth year as Scoutmaster, prior to this he was an Assistant Scoutmaster and Cubmaster.  He is an Eagle Scout from Troop 998 in 2002 and has a son in the troop. 

The Assistant Scoutmasters (ASMs) Core include William P. (Eagle Scout), Larry W. (Eagle Scout), Peter G., Ed L., Mike L (Eagle Scout), Aman B., Chris D., David C., George W., Joe B., Madhavi M., Ray B.(Eagle Scout), Rene S.(Eagle Scout), Suneeta P.          

The Troop Committee Chair is Patty Diaz, Shannon Carroll our Advancement Chair, Lisa B. is our Treasurer along with a number of other parents supporting and delivering the promise of Scouting to the Scouts.  All parents are encouraged to become part of the troop committee and to participate in troop activities and outings.  Remember Scouting is a Family program for all.

Troop 998 Charter Representative is the VFW Post 6298 in Pleasanton, CA.

Yours in Scouting,

Troop 998 – The Best in the Golden State!!


Senior Patrol Leader
Milan Gal

Clayton Carroll 

Committee Chair
Patty Diaz

Troop 998 Cheers!

New from Summer Camp 2011
N-I-N-E, N-I-N-E, E, I, G-HT !!!
Wut, Wut, Whats that Spell ?!?!
998, ain't that Swell !!!

Who's the Best in the Golden State?
None Other than the 98!
Through the doors and down the hall !
998 will beat you all !
We Might be small, but we are LOUD !
Were 998 and we got PROUD !